Spring Time

Spring Time - What does that mean to you? To me I always think how it reminds me of how God brings us out of the “winters”in our lives. He showers us with rain and he causes the flowers to bloom again in the warm sunshine. It means that summer is on its way! It means we survived and we can overcome.

I want to speak to those of you that today might be in a “Winter” of your life. Maybe you feel like you have been there for a long time - maybe you wonder will “Spring” ever come for me?

I am here to say yes - yes it will come. Turn your hope to God- reach deep inside you if necessary and find hope again. Hope that God hears you, loves you and has a plan for this mess of a life you are living.

I have been practicing Philippians 4:6 lately - regarding some “Winter” areas in my life. In the morning as I lay in bed before I get up (usually during my snooze session) I have been taking any worry that might try to come against me for the day and giving that worry to God. I will say out loud to God that I need Him to handle whatever situation it is and I say a prayer about it and then I make and effort not to worry about it again. It really is that simple - just give the worry to God. I do what I know to do and the rest I give to God- my father who loves me. Take time and INVITE Jesus into the situations where you need help.

Philippians 4:6 Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need and thank him for all he has done.

That scripture goes on to read in verse 7 - “Then you will experience Gods peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.

I believe that God wants to exceed our expectations in life. I am believing your spring will come. I hope this helps you some - you are not alone - you are loved - and God has a great plan for your life.

I love you all !



Lets Be Real


Lets be Fearless !!!