Jacque’s Blog

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Change - "The Only Thing That Always Stays The Same"

Change – what do they say about that “It’s the one thing that always stays the same”


Today as I watch my neighbors of the past 51/2 years drive away on their new adventure – I cry – but I also remember the fun times, I remember a little girl named Annie that always runs in my house looking for a sweet dessert, I remember her brothers and the all the fun times we had with them – I remember a sweet friendship that was built between her mom Sarah and myself.  


I can spend time today being sad and I will, I am sure.  We are human and we have human feelings.  I will miss what is normal, what I am used to, I will miss the comfort of having the Cheatem’s as my neighbors!!  I will miss my friends. 


I can also spend time being thankful.  Thankful that I love a family enough to miss them.  Thankful that I was able to share life with them.   That we ate together, played together, and lived side by side.  


This is something that I must remind myself of often.  If we spend too much time in the “what could have been” moments and not focus on the “what is” moments life can be extra hard on us.   


There was a moment that marked my life about 10 years ago when my husband of 20 years was tragically killed in a car crash.  That was a moment that life would never be the same after.  It was a change – a change that I did not want – a change that I did not ask for, but it was a change that happened.  Now 10 years later I still at times have to choose not to spend too much time in the what could have been place.  I have learned that I must choose to look at the life around me and embrace it.  To make the best of what life has offered.  To focus on the moments, we live in right now.   


I encourage you today if you happen to be in a place where you find yourself sad, you find yourself missing a part of your life that is over to take courage.  To find hope in the God who will walk us through change.  


My own experience in this is that it is a daily choice to choose Joy! Keep on the lookout for the CHANGE that is heading your way!  For me, it might be some new neighbors that I hopefully can add to my friend list that I love!  For you it might be a new job, a new love, a new pet…….who knows.  We only know that life is a constant change and the God is bigger than any change we face and that he promises us in Deuteronomy 13:6 That he will never leave us or forsake us in our time of need! 


Hope this blesses you a little (or a lot)!!



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For the Girl (or Guy) who is always Sitting on the Outside of the Room

That girl is me…..as I look back on my life I see where I always was on the outside of a room.  I never joined in fully,  I never truly felt apart, I always felt like an outsider, I always hold a part of me back.  I am not sure where that came from but I am sure that it is not how God sees me.  I believe that is how I see myself - due to things I have been told or due to self-comparison to others. That is really the devil’s plan I believe to make it where we don’t fully reach our potential because we don’t see ourselves as the amazing creation that we are.   

When I was younger and  I often felt ignored by people I wanted to see me,  I felt like I never quite measured up in my jobs,  I never was pretty enough, thin enough,  I felt like I was not funny enough.  I always wanted to be more.  I was always a little envious of the girls who had what I wanted.  As I type this I actually feel anxiety at just remembering the feeling of being an outsider.  

As I have aged (that is hard for me to even say- since I still feel so young) I am learning that I have a lot to offer this world.  That I don’t have to feel less than anyone else.  That I need to find who I am, find what I am passionate about,  find what I love, find what I am good at, and go for it.   I believe that all the passions, talents, and gifting that are inside us are put there by God.  He put them there for a reason.  We are created and born for this season,  God knew the people we would have influence over.  God knew the time we would be alive.  God put things inside of each of us at creation that would be needed to reach the world around us.   

It can be your neighbors - For example, I have slowed down and gotten to know my neighbors during this pandemic.  I don’t find it a coincidence that there are a couple of widows that live near me,  a young mom of three who might need encouragement,  a family who lost their son, and is in grief beyond words.   Isn’t it amazing that my life experiences can maybe help them?  I can at least love them, maybe make them a meal and pray for them.   

It can be your coworkers,  the cashier at the grocery store, your dentist's office, the people you go to church with, your children, or your family.  Just look for opportunities.  

If you're like me face the challenge of not being enough (in my head at least).   I encourage you to slow down,  take account of what you love, what things move you,  what are you good at.  What injustices make you cry or make you angry?  I love how God has made us all different and in our differences, we can change the world for good.   I encourage you to not try and be something that you are not but instead look for ways to help the world around you by doing what you love.   Live outside the box,  there is no mold for your life.  Your life is unique just as you are.  

Spend time around people who encourage you,  listen to things that lift you,  and most importantly spend time with God. 

I encourage you to make a point to spend some time every day with God.  He is waiting for you and He loves you BIG!  God definitely thinks you are more than enough - you are his creation!  It’s not rules and regulations, it doesn’t have to be in the morning or evening.  Just find time to be with Him.   When you are with Him,  ask Him to show you your talents and gifts.  Ask him for wisdom and purpose.   

Lastly I want you to stop the comparison game.  There is only one of you - no one else on earth is just like you.   Find what brings you joy and be you!  You are exactly what your world needs!  

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My Journey of Emotions

I hope that I might encourage some of you reading this, that maybe we have had some of the same emotions. 

I love an article that I read somewhere that basically said we are all on the same journey, but that we are all on different boats in the journey.  Some of us have barely been affected by this season, while others have had the rug pulled out from under us.  There are so many different ways that this has affected us as a community. 

For me, one thing that has continually brought me peace is my time every day in Gods word.  I love how God all through the bible continually gives rescue to His people. 

·      Jesus is always moved with compassion for the broken, the sick, the afflicted and the lost.

·      Jesus is always willing to reach out his hand to us to lift us up. 

·      From the book of Judges where entire people groups turn away to only ask for His rescue again and again (God always sends rescue) to His disciple who individually messed up on a regular basis.  

·      From King David to the Prodigal Son – God is always ready to reach out a hand of rescue and hope.  


Some emotions that I have had on this journey are:

1.     Surprise – 7 weeks ago I was told that I would no longer be paid at a job that I had poured my heart and soul into for the past 6 years.  I felt the rejection that comes with that.  I was hurt and had a huge feeling of loss (almost a grief) from losing something that I loved so much.  

2.     Surprise quickly led to a strange excitement – I am so thankful for my faith in God, that I believe when a door is closed that another door will open.  A door that leads me closer to my destiny.  Just so you know excitement can fade when real life hits. 

3.     Fear – I know that people say fear is the opposite of faith and I agree with that mostly.  I also know that I am human, and that God created me with feelings and emotions.  I believe it is ok to talk to God about fears that surface.  It is not ok for me to stay camped out in my fears – but I am learning that I do have to address them.  Fear can be crippling if you are not careful.  Some fears that I have had are financial – What are we going to do? How are we going to do it? God – are we really equipped for this? Other fears are emotional or fear of failure. 

4.     Mild depression – I am going to be honest here.  I know that it is easier to put a smile on and pretend that everything is perfect, and that life is great all the time.  I think that we live in a time where we need to be real and honest.  There have been a couple of days where I really did not want to get out of bed.  I did not allow myself to do that – for me I know where that can lead, and it is not a healthy place.   Again, I am so thankful that I know the truth and that I know joy is a choice.  1 Thessalonians 5:16 Let joy be your continual feast.  Make your life a prayer.  And in the midst of everything be always giving thanks for this is Gods perfect plan for us. 

5.     Great Joy – There have been moments of laughter in our home that have been missing.  We have played more cards and games in 6 weeks than in the entire 5 years of marriage.  The kitchen table has been used for sure.  Family meals at home have been a daily occurrence.  There have been moments where God has shown up just to let me know that he is there for us.  That he has a plan and that we are in his care. 

6.     Rest – I have gotten to rest.  Both physically and spiritually.  I have been able to check items off from around that house that needed to be done.  That helps me to rest! I have enjoyed long walks in my neighborhood saying hi to neighbors that I have never stopped to talk to due to being so busy. 

7.     Disappointment – This is mainly in myself.  I have been disappointed in how I have reacted to others at times.  Disappointed in my thoughts.  Disappointed in my eating habits and how I have let myself go lately (thankfully I am back on track with this). 

8.     Expectation and Hope– I am going to make this the last emotion that I talk about today.   I have expectation that God is going to show up for us.  That God is an opportunist and that He can take a bad situation and turn it for good for those who love Him.  That just like in His Word – God will rescue us and He always shows up for us. 


The word RELINQUISH has been my go-to word that last couple of weeks.  That I need to relinquish everything to God.   Relinquish means to Renounce or surrender- to let-go – to release.  Well that is what I am trying to do.  To give everything over to God.  To spend my time doing what He tells us to do.  To LOVE others, to serve the less fortunate, to rest in the shelter of the most high, to be thankful in all things.  


I can’t promise to be perfect (and I am so glad that is not a requirement of salvation),  but I can promise to try to replace negative thoughts with God thoughts,  to rest in his great Love for me (not focusing on the lack of love I might feel from others),  to look for ways to serve others,  to reach out to someone every day that might need a kind word. 


I am here if you need a friend!! Don’t hesitate to reach out!




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The Love of a Puppy!

We have this puppy in our house named Toby.   Toby has been with us for about 9 months now and Toby has definitely made his mark with us.   Toby is the one heartbeat in this house that is loving the quarantine that is going on.   For the past month Toby and I have spent even more time together, in fact there is rarely a moment that he is not at my feet.  

Watching the love of this puppy towards me has really got me thinking about how I should love the God that created me.   No matter what time I get up, if it happens to be really early Toby is right there wanting to be with me.  He does not complain that he is too tired to get up, he is up.   No matter how late I go to bed, Toby is right there with me.  

It doesn’t matter if I need to go to the bathroom or the garage. Toby is going with me.  He is not going to miss anything I might offer him.   If he is sleeping and I move, he is getting up to follow me. 

All I have to do is start putting on my shoes and Toby is ready for whatever I have planned for us.  If I touch that leash, he is so excited.  He does not even know if we are going by car or just taking a walk out the front door.  All he knows is that he is going with me and he is ready for whatever adventure I am going to take him on.  He doesn’t ask any questions; he just wags that tail and follows where I lead.  

Toby only expects good things from me.  He expects treats, walks, belly rubs, food, water and toys (lots of toys).  Toby has faith that I will protect him and keep him safe.   Toby thinks that I always want him by my side.   Even as I type this, Toby is laying at my feet.  He hears other noises going on in the house, but he is not going to leave me.  I am his safety and his source.  

Well that is what God wants from us as his children.  God wants our total dependence on him.  God wants us to chase after him and He wants us to always want to be at his feet.   God has a great adventure that He is wanting to take us on if we just trust him and say yes. 

I know life is a little more complicated for us humans.  I know that we can’t just live life chasing our shadow while on a walk with our master.  I know that we have responsibilities and cares that we must attend to.  But I do know that according to 2 Peter 1:3 God has given us everything that we need for this life.  That when we get to know God personally and intimately, we find what we need in this life. 

 I know that if we stay in the word, meditating and pondering on it at all times that just like it says in Joshua 1:8-9 we will succeed in everything that we do. 

This season I encourage you to just have childlike faith and love our father.   Just trust him to do good in your life.  To love everyone around you.  To get in the word of God and meditate on it day and night.   God wants us to be like my little puppy and follow Him around expecting blessings to come our way.  


Jacque and Toby




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How to keep joy and peace during the hard times of life!

This blog really might be to help myself as much as to help others.   I am sitting outside on my porch in the sunshine watching my dog play with a toy and listening to the birds’ chirp.  I almost just got stung by a wasp and the honeybees are flying everywhere.  It is like the earth is just screaming to me that everything is as it should be.  That there is no need to worry or do anything different than any other spring.  Just be who God has created us to be.  

We are in some uncertain times as a nation, as a community and as families.  All I can do is share my struggles with you. 

 My year 2020 so far:

January started great with a really fun anniversary trip to California where I was able to see San Francisco, Napa Valley and visit Bethel Church.  I was able to see the golden gate bridge, taste some amazing food, hike the beautiful pacific coast, worship at Bethel church and spend a great weekend with Tim. 

Then February came and brought the early painful passing of a good friend.   Words can’t describe the feelings of the loss of such a beautiful person in my life.

 The end of February brought the passing of my dad.  Nothing really prepares you for the final goodbye of someone who you love so much.  The loss of my confidant, my encourager and prayer warrior does leave a big hole in my heart.  

March comes along and Sammie, my puppy of 15 years passes away.   Sammie saw me through many nights of tears.  Sammie was a constant every day loving me and always happy to see me. 

March has also been the month that I was unfairly laid off from my job that I have had the past six and half years.  The job that I gave so much of my heart and energy to.  The job that I love and that I am good at.  Running Lighthouse Knoxville really was a big part of my life and is part of who I am.  

Saying the above things is not for a pity party (although believe me I have had a couple this year- heck this week), but instead it is for saying it is Springtime and just like the flowers that are blooming and the birds that are making their nests preparing for little eggs to be laid.  Just like the grass is growing and the rivers are flowing we are moving forward.   I cannot allow myself to get caught up in the bad or the scary of life.  I can allow myself to grieve and to feel sadness, I can cry and remember the past, I just cannot let it stop me.  I cannot let it control me.  I cannot let it cause me to take my eyes off of my good good father. 

 If you have read this far – thank you.  I wanted to share with you what I have done and the steps I am taking to combat this fears and sadness.

1.     Thank God – Thank him for everything good in your life.  Thank him for friends that you have gotten to love, thank him for family, thank him for provision, thank him for health, thank him for everything.   All good gifts come from God.  

2.     Combat all fear with the word of God.  The bible is a love letter written to us from the creator of the universe.  All the words written are promises for us to live by.  Get in there and read read read.   Write them down, create a system that works for you where you can go back and find them easily.  

3.     Be practical.  For Tim and I with losing our jobs that means look at our finances.  Make a plan, write it out.  Give God something to work with.  Even if it looks scary in the natural (and it does) – go back to number two on this list and look for some promises in the bible to combat fear.   I am not one that believes in doing nothing – make some calls and do what you know to do but, in the end, allow God to fight this battle for you.  If one door closes God promises to open an even more amazing door. 

4.     Sow a seed.  That can be financial, or it can be acts of kindness.   The Lord sees the generous act that we do.  We are promised that if we love others and if we sow love we will be protected and find shelter in the almighty.  DO NOT STOP DOING GOOD.

5.     Focus on good things. For me some examples are:

  •    I have gotten to play more cards with my family this month than in a long time (and I love cards).

  •   We have had some awesome worship times just sitting in our own living room. 

  •   The peace that passes all understanding has enveloped me

  • New friendships have been made

  • New songs have been written

  • The good in people is coming out everywhere.  We all are rallying around each other. 

  • Sunny days

6.     Wait on God – trust him.  It is that simple.  He will do what his word says he will do. 

7.     Spend time with God.  We put on worship music and just sit in the presence of God.   Just talk to him like a friend.   Let him love you back.  

8.     Don’t panic – just like it says in Isaiah 41:13 – I your God have a firm grip on you, and I am not letting go.  I am telling you don’t panic. I am right here to help you.  

I hope this helps and encourages you.  I know we all have our own stories, fears and issues that can be added to the above list.  I know this can be scary times. I am not saying they are not real fears and not to take account of our situations.  I just know that the Lord is the same Yesterday, Today and Forever.  His promises never change.   I believe we are all going to come thru this season stronger, more alive, full of compassion and in an even better place.  

I am here to help you if you need it. 



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2020 - Bring it on!!


I guess I will join the groups of people writing out our thoughts for this upcoming year – the upcoming decade I guess.  


I find myself in uncharted territory this year.  What will this year bring?  What new challenges will I take on this year.  Facing new things can make us question who we are.  We can question our purpose and the Why of our days. Maybe even question am I important in this thing called life.


For those that don’t feel important (myself at times) how do we change that?  Is it something on the inside of us that has to shift?  Is it us realizing how much we are loved by God? Is it us spending time doing something that is important to us?  Well I think for me it is a little of all of those things. 


I really just want to focus on the day by day of 2020.  I want this year to be a year where I put others first.  That I stop focusing on what I want – but I focus on what others need.  What the people around me need.  The people in all the houses and cars that I see every day need, the people at the stores and restaurants that I go to need, what my family and friends need, what the homeless out on the street need, what the wealthy and poor need.   They all have the same need (just like me and you), the need to feel loved and accepted.  They all have the need to know that they have worth and value.  That they would be missed if they were gone.  That they are not just surviving but they are important. 


I am taking on this year looking around with my eyes open.  Asking God to show me what things He has for me to be a part of the solution for this year?  How can I help make this place (my sphere of influence) a better place?  What gifts do I have inside of me that can help others in need?


I believe that is where true joy is found.  True Joy is found in helping and serving others.  It is not found in the next greatest purchase or trend – it is found in giving of ourselves even when it would be easier not to.  I find that seeing an unexpected smile, a tear of gratefulness, getting a hug from someone, or even watching from a distance as someone feels the Love of Jesus due to an action I did is where my True Joy comes from. 


This is something that I am going to remind myself of everyday.  That giving is really the best way of receiving.  That giving to others really gives me so much more.  It gives me the things that money cannot buy.  Things like peace, joy, purpose, fulfillment and victory.   I challenge you to do the same this year.  Live life looking outward. 


Lets do this!!



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What Matters at Christmas!!

There is so much going on in my mind tonight…… so many things that have led up to this Christmas eve and Christmas day.  I wanted to take a moment and just remind you – whoever is reading this to enjoy the moments as they come.  


I think back over the past 24 Christmases that I have had – 24 years ago was the 1st year that I was a mom on Christmas.  Granted it was a new title – I had only been a mom for a week to the most beautiful little girl I had ever seen. 


Then over the years I have added two amazing boys – Lost a best friend and added a new family to be part of the holidays. 


As I can stress over the things that I have not done that I wanted too – maybe I have not got that perfect gift, the gingerbread houses did not get made this year, of course the house is not as clean as I would like and the list can go on and on. 


But instead of stressing of what is not done.  I am thinking on the memories that are about to be made.  That in 24 hours we will all be wearing the matching pajamas that I buy every year.  That I will have all 6 (I did get a bonus son this year) of my children under the same roof for a night.  We will eat amazing food, laugh, share gifts, and take time to enjoy each other. 


For any young parents reading this remember that 18 years go so fast – they won’t remember the gifts that you get them.  They will remember the love – the breakfast casserole that you make every year, the lights on the house, whatever your tradition is.  Don’t waste a year stressing over what is not perfect, instead just love those around you will all your heart. 


I also want to talk to the person who is grieving this Christmas.  You might be grieving from losing someone.  Maybe your life is not what you planned, and you find yourself alone this Christmas.  Maybe the joy you see all around just causes sadness for you.  I am sorry about that and I pray that JESUS the real reason for the season provides you with his peace that passes all understanding.   


As I am dwelling on all of this tonight my heart feels so many emotions.  I might not have the excitement of having a toddler this Christmas and it takes a lot of effort to get my crew together, but I am going to enjoy every moment that I have.  I am going to embrace the fact that my now married daughter and her husband are waking up with me on Christmas morning – that my grown boys are all going to be around the breakfast table with me and that my precious new 13 year old step daughter still delights in the gifts, the lights and still will pretend that Santa filled the stockings. 


I encourage you to take time to enjoy the wonder of the season.  To let the love of Jesus fill your heart.  To sit back and look around and to smile. 

Merry Christmas



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The art of Building Brigdes in our Lives !!

Lets start with the Definition of Bridge:

1a: a structure carrying a pathway or roadway over a depression or obstacle (such as a river) a bridge connecting the island to the mainland

b: a time, place, or means of connection or transition building a bridge between the two cultures the bridge from war to peace

I woke up at 3:30am this morning thinking about bridges.  I finally got up around 4 to see what God was trying to tell me.  Don’t think of me as super spiritual – it was just so clear to me I wanted to investigate what God was saying to me.

 I saw us as an island in the center of a body of water with bridges all around us to our environment.  We are all just individuals trying to relate to this world we live in.   I heard God say that the bridge to get anything we need in this world is faith.  We all have faith in something – I just want to encourage you to have faith in God. 

 Our faith can be a bridge from:

  • Sin to Salvation

  • From hating ourselves to loving who we are

  • From a hopeless situation to hope in a better tomorrow

  • From Loneliness to learning to Love others

  • From living in a state of fear and unrest to living in a state of peace

  • From not being sure of you future to security of an eternity in heaven

I see the bridge connecting us to the love of our Heavenly Father, believing that he loves us so much he wipes away all past sins.  The bridge of faith helps us to believe the Word of God – that it is a love story from God as well as an instructional manual for our lives.  That everything written in it is for us. 

Building bridges can be hard.  Civil and Structural Engineers have to go to school to study to learn the art of building these structures.  They often time have teams of people to handle the different parts of building safe bridges.  It took over 4 years to build the golden gate bridge and cost over 35 million dollars.  Eleven people lost their lives during construction. 

 Thankfully for us – building the bridges in our lives to connect us to all God has to offer only takes a yes.  That yes just has to be followed with trust and learning all that God has for us.  It can take time and we all can mess up – when that happens we just have to start again.  

Some scriptures on faith:
Mark 9:23 Jesus said to him, If you can believe, all things are possible to him that believes.

Hebrews 11:1 Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.

Luke 17:6 He replied, "If you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mulberry tree, 'Be uprooted and planted in the sea,' and it will obey you.

Romans 12:3 3 For I say, through the grace given unto me, to every man that is among you, not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think; but to think soberly, according as God hath dealt to every man the measure of faith.

Today I encourage you to use your faith – we have all been given a measure of faith (Romans 12:3) and get off the island you are living in.  Connect to all God has for you!!

I love you all





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How a Sinkful of Dirty Dishes Made Me Smile

This is written about my younger self – the younger Jacque that had 3 young kids running around and felt like all I did was pick up after them.  I remember many meltdowns that I had running thru the house cleaning it up.  Making sure to let everyone around me know how I did everything around this house!  I would get so aggravated with my husband – asking how can you just sit and watch a movie with the kids while the house is so messy?  They would try to get me to sit with them but most of the time I would just fume and clean around them – making sure they knew what I was doing.   If I am honest I have to admit that there were times I ruined the night for everyone because of my personal pity party. 

Well yesterday (as an older and wiser woman) I woke up to a sinkful of dirty dishes.  There was a pot on the stove where we made homemade popcorn, there were dishes from dinner in the sink, there were even a few dishes left on the table that we did not even get to the sink.  There were clothes in the dryer and even more that needed to be washed.  I laughed at myself how I have changed so much.  Instead of cleaning on Friday night I watched a movie with my family – we had popcorn with M&M’s in it – I just relaxed enjoying my home.  

As I cleaned my kitchen that morning, I put on some praise and worship music and spent time thanking God for my blessings.  I was all finished in about 30 minutes and the entire time I just thanked God for showing me what is important in life. 

If you know my story, then you know that I lost a husband of 20 years in a tragic car accident 8 years ago.  When something like that happens to you – you quickly reevaluate what is important in life.  I can’t go back and change how I behaved then, but I can change my present behavior and my future. I can use what I learned in loving my grown children and with the amazing family God has blessed me with now.  I can take advantage of any family night opportunity that I get.  I am thankful for a husband that loves family dinner and that he makes it happen on a regular basis.

So, if I can encourage you today to enjoy the days you live in.  Take time to laugh, love and rest.  Those dirty dishes will still be there for you tomorrow (at least at my house that is true).  The moments that God gives you with your family and friends are priceless.  

As it says in Ecclesiastes 3 – there is a time for everything.  So make sure to take time to love your family and to enjoy the small moments in your life.  When you look back those small moments are everything.  There will always be time for a clean kitchen and perfectly decorated home.  But for now if you find yourself in the middle of chaos enjoy it.  As I often say the days can seem long but the years are short.  



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NEVERTHELESS - what does that mean?

I just finished reading First Kings in the old testament and a continual pattern kept showing up. A pattern that I do not want in my life. First Kings starts out with with a nation united under King David who loved God but it ends as a divided kingdom under the most wicked of kings.

It seems like the Kings would trust God and things would go great for a while - but then they would let sin creep in and things would go bad.

1 Kings chapter 10 verse 24 talks abut King Solomon and how he had everything from God. He had great, unimaginable wealth, fame and wisdom. People came from every nation came to consult him and they would all bring gifts. You could say that King Solomon had it all…………but just 7 verses later the word NEVERTHELESS came into play. King Solomon ignored Gods warning of marrying women who worship idols. Solomon wanted to do what felt good at the moment. Solomons lust for the world and his disobedience changed his family’s destiny. His willingness to ignore Gods warning brought a curse onto not just himself but his family.

I take this as a warning in my own life today. To not allow occasional wrongdoing to become a way of life. If I am not careful then I can let sin creep in as being ok. We have to acknowledge God as our ultimate leader.

We all like to quote the verses found in Matthew 6 letting us know that God knows about everything that we need and that he will provide that for us.- but make sure not to forget the part in verse 33 - “Seek Ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and then all these things shall be added unto you”.

All God really ask of us is to love him more than anything else. To seek him first in all decisions we make (that really is so easy to do - just make sure what you are doing lines up with good), to love others, to be generous, to do our very best to do what is right.

I am so far from perfect - but even in my imperfection I see a father who loves me and who favors me. Who often times allows me to do things or be places that I alone do not deserve. I believe God looks at our hearts and loves it when we just do our best to Love him. God is not looking for perfection, he is just looking for a son or daughter to love Him with there whole heart.

I am going to be practicing that in my life - to Seek God first in all that I do. I ask you to do the same and just watch what God will do for you.



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Immeasurably More Than We Can Ask For !!

Ephesians 3:20-21

20 Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, 21 to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen.


This keeps coming up in my spirit this week – that is when I take time to listen.  Every moment of this week is schedule – from work – to personal (a new puppy) – to ministry time.  Times like this I often put time with God at the bottom of my list.  I don’t do that on purpose.  I know that time with God actually gives me strength and joy and energy.  I just see the stack of to do items and just go for it.  I love getting to mark things off my list as done. 


But today – This Friday morning let’s look at the above scripture. 

·      First thing is that this scripture is written for those who believe in Jesus.  Believing is a free gift for you to take, you just have to ask. 

·      Secondly – what things do we ask for or imagine.  Sometimes I can imagine really big things and sometimes I just ask for my bills to be paid.  Well this scripture says that God can do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine. 

o   Definition of immeasurably: incapable of being measured

o   Some synonyms of Immeasurable - Bottomless, boundless, limitless, endless, horizonless

·      Thirdly – No matter where you find yourself.  This scripture is for you. 



I met with a girl this week that seems to be in a hopeless situation.  And truthfully if she only relied on herself it seems a little hopeless.  BUT God has spoken so real to me that this scripture is for her.  I told her to write out her wants and needs.  They are really basic human needs that she has.  Write out those needs and give them to God.  This is not magic – you might have to take some actions with it – but God promised it and His word is real.  It is us (for sure me) that puts limits on our Father.  


I remember a time not too long ago after my husband Darrell passed away unexpectedly in a car crash that I was close to being in her position.  I had to write out my needs and wants and give them to God to take care of.  It was out of my ability.  Looking back now over that 8 years – I see how time after time God has taken care of me and my children.   He has taken care us better than I ever imagined.  


Please trust God and His word.  God is so good.  He is not up in heaven just to put laws on us.  God is in heaven reaching down to give us a hand and help us along the way.  God loves us so much and he wants to be invited into our wants and needs.  God cares about what we care about.  God has such great things waiting for each of us. 


This scripture is for everyone - no matter what you wants are.  If they are basic needs for food and shelter that you have or if your wants are for something bigger and better.  God’s promise is for you. 


I don’t mean to sound wrong – but today take a chance and genuinely give God your needs and your wants.  Watch God move on your behalf.  God can take the place you are in and turn it into a miracle for you to share with other.


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Life is Short - Like Water spilled on the ground !!

This week I have been thinking on how short our life really is – How that I have often said the days are long, but the years are short.  I remember seasons of my life where I thought it would never end – when my babies were young, and I wondered if I ever would get my life back. 


Now as a wiser (let’s not say older) woman I realize each season of our lives have reason behind them.  We are in those seasons to impact the people we come in contact with.  Maybe those people are your children, your co-workers, your friends, your family, or your day to day acquaintances. 


I was reading in 2 Samuel 4 and verse 14 really jumped out at me: “All of us must die eventually. Our lives are like water spilled out on the ground, which cannot be gathered up again.”


I have thought about that for a couple of days – it’s like every action is like water spilled out on the ground- it can’t be gathered back up.  Once it is done – it’s done.   That can be good or bad actions.


I will be honest about this week – there have been some really awesome moments where I feel like I have done the right thing – encouraging people and loving them……..But Monday night when I lost my temper at home and yelled at my son – that is like water spilled out – I can’t get it back. I can apologize and try to make it better – but it is still water spilled out. 


I challenge you – and I challenge myself to start living every day realizing it is time you can’t get back.  What do you want to leave with others today?  What do you want to be remembered for? What do you want your legacy to be? What do you want your life to represent?


Start living today like there are people all around you depending on you.  Maybe it is as simple as a smile when you go to the bank, or the grocery line.  Maybe it is a kind word to the lady at work who seems down.  Maybe is a hug to a stranger who just lost his mom.  I promise that is you start looking for others to help they are all around you.  


Start living realizing your life is like Water Spilled out on the ground.  No matter how hard you try you can not get it back.  It’s out there.  So, use your water to grow people around you – to lead them to Jesus and His great love.  Don’t use it to destroy or tear down! 




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Living In "SonShine"

Don’t you just love a sunny day. When all the birds are singing - the grass is green - flowers are growing- fresh tomatoes from the garden are ripe- picking blackberries- being on the water and just enjoying the sun on your face.

Well don’t we all know that life is not always sunshine.  Sometimes it’s a stormy day with darkness and lightning. Sometimes life can be scary – hard – uncertain and it can feel like more than you can handle on your own.  

This thought came to me last week when my family and I got caught in a scary storm while on our boat. The weather was all sunshine when we left home and we were enjoying some time off when all of a sudden it started getting dark - rain clouds were closing in along with thunder and lightning.  We tried chasing the sun – going the direction of blue skies and then it just got dark all around us.  This is where God stepped in. We needed some shelter from the storm and we saw a private boat slip in the distance. We headed that way thinking maybe we can at least get out of the rain.  Well God already made provision for us – we met a family that seemed like they were waiting on us.  We were able to share the love of Jesus with them – they actually said they had asked God to bring them a local opportunity to serve.  They got on line that night and gave to Juniper Worldwide. 


I left that encounter feeling such aww that the God of the universe can take a storm and turn it into a blessing.  That is how it can be in life for us.  When the dark clouds surround you.  Maybe you are drowning financially, or you have a bad diagnosis, or someone you love dies unexpectedly - this list can go on and on.   Just run to the light – run to Jesus and let Him show His great love for you. 

Christianity is not just a bunch of rules and regulations.  It is not just a list of do’s and don’ts.  It is so much more than that.  It is safety and peace in the storms of life.  It is a safe place. It is the truth that you are never really alone in this life.  It is a hope for a better future. 

Jesus is freedom.  Freedom from worry – from depression – from fear.  Jesus is a free gift to us all.  Say yes today to him. 


I love you all



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How to Flourish in the life we have been given? 

Flourish –

1.     To grow luxuriantly – thrive

a.     To thrive is to progress toward or realize a goal despite or because of circumstances

2.     To achieve success – Prosper

3.     To be in a state of activity or production


Words related to flourish – to Prevail, to triumph, to win, to excel


Don’t we all want to flourish – I think we would all want our lives to resemble the above definition.  Well, how do we get there?  How do we navigate through this life to look like those words?

I believe it is all based on our relationship with our heavenly father.  Learning to rely on Him and Him alone.  Learning to take all of our insecurities, our questions, our problems, our weaknesses, our addictions, and our fears to Him.   God already know about them – so practice being honest and giving them to Him. 

Philippians 1:6 – message bible There has never been the slightest doubt in my mind that the God who started this great work in you would keep at it and bring it to a FLOURISHING finish on the very day Christ Jesus appears.  

Gods only desire is to spend eternity with us in heaven.  He only has good plans for us.  God does not punish us for our mistakes and weaknesses or take from us.  He only desire is to give good things to us.  

As I sit and write this today our power went out and I opened the blinds by my desk and looked out.  We have a creek that runs the back of our property.  I was thinking about how we have to weed eat around that creek twice as often as we do the rest of the yard.  That even when we are in the heat of summer and in drought like conditions that creek has to be weed-eated.  The trees around the creek do not even realize we are in a dry season.   That is how we need to live – so saturated in God that we don’t even see the drought and difficult things around us.  That does not mean we ignore problems or don’t work hard to achieve things.  It just means that we give all our ability to God and let him fix things thru us and for us.  


Job 8:11 – Do Reeds flourish without water?

Psalms 11:28 The righteous shall flourish like the palm tree

Proverbs 11:28 He that trusts in riches shall fail; but the righteous shall flourish as a branch

Hosea14:7 Those who live under its protection will surely return.  Their grain will flourish; they will blossom like a vine. 


Jesus is the true living water and he desires for us to be like the trees planted along the creek in my back yard.  Our roots deep in trust and our branches producing green leaves full of life.  Our branches being a shelter to those that we come in contact with those that are hurting or lost. 


So it simple and hard at the same time.  To flourish we have to stop doing what is natural to human tendencies by worrying (that adds nothing to us) or complaining – but instead give all the cares to God.  To sit by the living water and drink.  To trust in something you don’t see – to take a chance in this Great God.  To love others generously and big.  Today if you don’t see a way out of your darkness – Give it to God.  

I am here if you need a friend – I will always point you to the truth of God’s word. 




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Learn to love You !!

Today I took my daughter to her end of the year party at a local park. Sounds fun doesn’t it - well for my daughter and I it is a little out of our comfort zone. We are not the naturally outgoing kind of girls - Not to say that we don’t want to be friendly - it just doesn’t come as easy for us as it does for others.

As I was there I heard God speak to me so clearly - He said a few things to me.

One was about myself - I went on a walk on the walking trail because i was not sure who to talk to. On my walk I met Larry a retired man who is lonely and kinda lost with his life right now. I was able to encourage him that he has great days ahead of him and that God loves him. As I was walking away from him I heard my sweet heavenly father say “You were created for the Larry’s of the World, that I gave you the exact personality to reach the group of people I created you to reach”.

Needless to say that gave me boost I needed to just be myself and to smile because God made me with my personality.

Second thing I learned was watching the friendly kick ball game between the boys and the girls.

On the teams I saw the following:

I saw the compassionate girls that would not get out the little guys even if was an easy out. They did not care they were loosing - they just could not call them out.

I saw the competitive players that did not care if they were 15 and they just tagged out a 6 year old. They were out to win.

I saw the kids on the sideline. Maybe they were like me and a little afraid to join the crowd. Maybe they thought they were not good enough and did not want to get embarrassed.

I saw the kids on the side who were dressed up for the day at the park and they could not get dirty. Fashion is always important after all.

I saw some of the better players mentoring the younger players. The third baseman was showing the little guy how to get home even though that meant they would score against them.

Watching that group of kids - God spoke to me and said “see all those personalities, they are my future leaders, future moms and dads, future pastors, future business owners, future caregivers, future politicians. They are all out there”. God made each of us different with different strengths and giftings. We are not the same and that is ok.

So today take time to Love yourself - to embrace who God made you to be. Even if you (like me) might feel on the outside a lot - know that God created you with the gifts to reach specific people for Him. Stop comparing your self to others and wishing you were different (I have wasted to many years doing that). You and I are really cool to God and he created all of us the way we are on purpose !!



p.s. You are really cool to me also

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Our job is to LOVE big !

I am so glad that God looks at my heart and not my failures.  I am so glad that it is my heart and my love for God that matters.   That God sees the deep parts of me.  On the surface sometimes, I can come across so wrong or make so many mistakes, but I am so thankful that God sees my heart.  God does not judge me on mistakes but on how quick I am to get my heart right with Him. 

The fact that all God wants from me is for me to love Him, to love myself, and to love others is so freeing.  That it is my job to Love and its Gods job to change people and to change me.   I no longer look for people who need God or who need to be changed- I just look for people who need to feel loved.  Then all I have to do is love them.  It is that simple.  Maybe love them with a smile, with a hug, or with a kind word.  Maybe I get to meet a need for them – maybe financial, maybe a gift, maybe a home cooked meal, maybe taking the time to pray for a need they have.  If we start looking for the opportunity to love others, God will definitely provide them. 

 I find that I run into hurting people in public restrooms, at the gas station, at Walgreens, while on a walk in the park, really anywhere.  I have just started sharing this love of God that burns inside of me.  This love that does not judge sin, or lifestyles, or habits – I don’t meet someone and immediately try to figure out how to fix them.  I just love them with the Love of my father and I leave any fixing that needs to be done up to Him.  

God is so good to me, He is so patient and forgives me so often.  I am so thankful that I know of His great Love for me.  I believe that really if I can just help others learn of that great love for them as well.  If we just represent our Jesus with Love, then just maybe the hurting will reach out and receive that Love.  They will get to know their creator – the one who has a great plan for their life. 


John 4:37 states that “One person sows and another reaps for which you have not worked”.  That is how it is with leading others to a relationship with Christ.  My job is to sow the Love of God with everyone I come in contact with, to point them to accepting the love of the Father.  Its Gods job to fix or to change them if that is needed, it’s just our job to love. 


We live in a world where there is plenty of pain and hard times abounding.  Let’s let our lights shine by sharing the Love of Jesus everywhere we go.  By looking up and looking around for the less fortunate – those who just need a smile and someone to care.   Let’s be the people who cause others to smile and to maybe just maybe to want some of the Jesus we love. 

I love you all

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Lets Be Real

Don’t we all long for people to just be real - to admit life can be hard. We can tend to look at peoples lives that they post for us on social media and do the comparison game. We wish our lives were perfect, that we take awesome vacations, that our families had it all together, that I exercised more, that I always made healthy dinners for my family…….the list could never end.

When really I believe that even the most perfect looking life is really just a person looking for there true purpose in life.

I am going to be honest here - last week was an extra rough week for me. I am not sure why or what started it really. I just know that I gave in and went for the full force feeling sorry for myself mode. That is a dangerous road to allow yourself to walk down (at least for me it is). I can start questioning everything in my life and I definitely waste days not being a positive influence on those around me. I found myself crying and rehearsing all the wrong things in my life - I found myself spending time on the way I thought my life should be- I found myself looking at my past - not at my future. I just wanted to go to bed and not get up.

Well thankfully I am pulling myself out of that dark place. I thought maybe I can help others who also experience seasons like that. The following is just a short list of what I am living right now,

  1. The most important thing is that you have to learn who you are in the Lord. Let Gods word define you. Your circumstance, your situation you find yourself in, your addictions, your finances, your children - these things DO NOT define who you are. The word of GOD defines you. This is personal to each person - but with the internet at our fingertips it is easy to search and find the perfect scripture to cling to. Isaiah 41:13 -” For I am the LORD your God who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do NOT fear: I will help you.”

  2. Make a decision to get up - its that simple. Today I am going to get up. I am going to embrace the life I have. I am going to choose to live MY life to the fullest. Look for things to be thankful for. Maybe ask God to show you those who have it worse than you do - just as a reminder. Then do something to help them in their need.

  3. Fill your mind with good things. Turn off negative music or TV. Put down social media for a while if you need too. I listen to my favorite pod cast, my favorite worship music, watch a positive message on you tube. Watch something that makes you laugh. There is so much available to us if we just use it.

  4. Do something for you. I have decided to walk at local green-ways again. Make the effort to get outside. That is what I love - it could be different for you. It is said you can not give anything from an empty cup - so we need to fill ourselves up to be able to give to others.

  5. Choose Joy - I always come back to this. That we must choose Joy in all circumstances. A choice is sometimes just an action - it might not feel real in our lives. But Choose Joy anyways- choose to be happy. Even when you do not feel it - Neheimah 8:10 “The Joy of the Lord is my strength” Proverbs 31:35 “she laughs without fear of the future”. I speak this over my life and I am so thankful that true joy comes from knowing Jesus and His great love for me.

Ok - enough of my ramblings this morning. I just hope you feel true love from me. That I know life can be hard and we can wonder if it is even worth it sometimes. I tell you it is worth it. You (and me) are worth it. Our heavenly father loves us so much and He is just waiting on us to cast all of our cares on Him. They are not for us to hold onto. I love you all !


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Spring Time

Spring Time - What does that mean to you? To me I always think how it reminds me of how God brings us out of the “winters”in our lives. He showers us with rain and he causes the flowers to bloom again in the warm sunshine. It means that summer is on its way! It means we survived and we can overcome.

I want to speak to those of you that today might be in a “Winter” of your life. Maybe you feel like you have been there for a long time - maybe you wonder will “Spring” ever come for me?

I am here to say yes - yes it will come. Turn your hope to God- reach deep inside you if necessary and find hope again. Hope that God hears you, loves you and has a plan for this mess of a life you are living.

I have been practicing Philippians 4:6 lately - regarding some “Winter” areas in my life. In the morning as I lay in bed before I get up (usually during my snooze session) I have been taking any worry that might try to come against me for the day and giving that worry to God. I will say out loud to God that I need Him to handle whatever situation it is and I say a prayer about it and then I make and effort not to worry about it again. It really is that simple - just give the worry to God. I do what I know to do and the rest I give to God- my father who loves me. Take time and INVITE Jesus into the situations where you need help.

Philippians 4:6 Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need and thank him for all he has done.

That scripture goes on to read in verse 7 - “Then you will experience Gods peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.

I believe that God wants to exceed our expectations in life. I am believing your spring will come. I hope this helps you some - you are not alone - you are loved - and God has a great plan for your life.

I love you all !


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Lets be Fearless !!!

How can we live without fear of our future ?

Isn’t the fear of tomorrow or the fear of what could happen what holds us back sometime. I know it is for me for sure ! It could be as simple as I am afraid to speak up to someone because of what they might think - or maybe its a bigger fear - like a new career or job change - Maybe we are afraid of buying that new house or afraid that we don’t have enough in our retirement or maybe the fear that we can’t pay the bills this month- or the fear of a doctors report …….Ok I admit that I have had all of these fears at some point in my life (maybe not even that long ago if I am being honest).

I DON’T want to be that person any more. I want to be like the Proverbs 31 woman “who laughs without fear of the future” - I want to be brave knowing that God directs my steps and that my future is secure in the Lord.

Psalms 112 - the entire chapter is so awesome ! It starts right out in verse 1 “How joyful are those who fear the Lord” and then the chapter continues by telling us all the good things that follow those that Fear God - but Verse 7 really jumped out at me “They do not fear bad news they confidently trust the Lord to care for them. They are confident and fearless and can face their foes triumphantly”

What an awesome way to live - to live without fear. I think it is funny that by Fearing the Lord with a Godly fear - that Godly fear will dispel fear that comes from the devil in our lives. Fearing the Lord means that we reverence God and that we long to please him and obey his commands. That we live trying to please God - in doing that so many blessing will come our way. If we put God 1st - God will take care of us !

Join me in being FEARLESS - let’s practice trusting God and laughing without fear for our Future. To Love our creator with everything in us and to trust his Word - that we are fearfully and wonderfully made and that God has a good plan for our lives !! Being Fearless doesn’t mean that we don’t feel fear sometimes - we just don’t let it stop us. So love big - give big-trust big - take a step in faith this week - just do it without fear - trusting God !!

I love you all


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How the name Juniper found its start in my life !

Today I want to share a story from my life showing how the name Juniper Worldwide came about. I have been thinking on this for a while now. I tend to write some in journals and I have this story written out not realizing the importance at the time of it for our future.

I have always loved vacationing at St. George Island with my family. I have memories there of my children being small playing in the sand and ocean. I have memories of bonfires on the beach, walks, and lots of laughter. Some of our best weeks were at that beach.

Then tragedy hit my home and I lost my husband and best friend of 20 years - leaving me with 3 kids to finish raising by myself. That left me reeling emotional to say the least - I really was not sure what was going to happen to me.

Time passed and we made additional trips to St. George - I made one with the kids one March - just the 4 of us for the week. There were some tears but we made it !

Time passed and I met a great man and we got married. Well I wanted him to experience St. George with me. We booked a great house - worked it out with all 7 kids schedules and headed out on our 1st new family vacation. Well I had some emotions that I had to over come that week. I tried to keep them inside but my great Father God saw them and he cared for them. I am so thankful for the love of my heavenly Father.

One early morning I headed out on a walk by myself. I love that time to think , pray and daydream. I was so overcome on that walk with how the Lord can heal my heart. I remember thinking about how I would get so excited to see my family in the distance and how that feeling was forever gone. That my heart would leap with just the sight of my children and husband in the distance - I still longed for that.

Well on that walk the morning of July 26, 2017, I felt Gods healing flow into my broken heart. I looked ahead as I was walking back and I thought I saw Tim and Kaitlyn (who was 10 at the time) playing on the beach and my heart was full - when I saw “my people”. That might seem small to some - but to me that marked a change in my whole thinking !!

When I got back to the beach house God showed me Isaiah 55:10-13 You will go out in joy and lead forth in peace. The mountains and hills (and I add ocean) will burst into song before me and all the trees of the fields will clap there hands. In stead of thorn-bush will grow the JUNIPER and instead of briers the myrtle will grow.

It might not be over night - but if you allow God to be your healer, I believe that you too can have joy for sadness. The JUNIPER in place of the thorn-bush in your life. Just allow the Jesus the healer to minister to your broken places.

I am always here if you need to talk

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