Choose your hard

Choose your hard

This has been something that has been rolling around in my mind for the last few weeks…… “Choose my hard”.  

It started with exercising and good nutrition.  I have been known to say it is hard to lose weight……I don’t have time to exercise……..I want to eat the candy or pizza like everyone else.   My excuse is that it is hard to make good health choices and it can be.   Well, it hit me the other day that is also is hard to not make the good choices in that area.  It is hard to not fit into clothes that I like… is hard to hurt when I wake up in the morning……it is hard to be disappointed in myself.   So, I just asked myself which hard do I choose? 

This is something that we can use in most areas of our lives.  When something seems hard to us….like our work, or relationships, or family, or spending time with God.  Ask ourselves some questions…. is it hard to be broke and not have money?– so we better go to work today so that we get a paycheck.  Is it hard to be lonely and by ourselves? – so we better work on putting a priority on relationships and family today.  Is it hard living without peace and joy?– so we better spend time with God today to remind ourselves of His love for us.  Just choose our hard today!!! 

Not much in this life comes easy to us.  The only easy thing in life (and let’s be honest – it’s not always easy) is the fact that God sent his son Jesus to carry our wrong so that we could be put right with God!  It’s that simple.  God loves us so much and he is here to help us with the hard things in our lives.  He is here to help us choose the right hard to live by.  We simply need to trade our sin for the righteousness of God that he has already promised us.   

I had the words “Choose Joy” tattooed on my wrist! Sounds simple enough doesn’t it. Choose Joy – but some days it is hard to choose Joy in the world we live in.  But I have found it even harder to spend a day depressed without joy.  I have got to make that effort to Choose Joy by doing the “hard” things that bring me joy.   

I encourage you today to live life choosing the things that bring you closer to the future you want to have.  Choose the hard that helps you become what you want to become!!  I promise it is worth it and maybe just maybe you will find the value in it and it will become less hard (who am I kidding – those early morning runs are always hard to get started on)!!!! 

Love you all!! 




Change - "The Only Thing That Always Stays The Same"