Change - "The Only Thing That Always Stays The Same"

Change – what do they say about that “It’s the one thing that always stays the same”


Today as I watch my neighbors of the past 51/2 years drive away on their new adventure – I cry – but I also remember the fun times, I remember a little girl named Annie that always runs in my house looking for a sweet dessert, I remember her brothers and the all the fun times we had with them – I remember a sweet friendship that was built between her mom Sarah and myself.  


I can spend time today being sad and I will, I am sure.  We are human and we have human feelings.  I will miss what is normal, what I am used to, I will miss the comfort of having the Cheatem’s as my neighbors!!  I will miss my friends. 


I can also spend time being thankful.  Thankful that I love a family enough to miss them.  Thankful that I was able to share life with them.   That we ate together, played together, and lived side by side.  


This is something that I must remind myself of often.  If we spend too much time in the “what could have been” moments and not focus on the “what is” moments life can be extra hard on us.   


There was a moment that marked my life about 10 years ago when my husband of 20 years was tragically killed in a car crash.  That was a moment that life would never be the same after.  It was a change – a change that I did not want – a change that I did not ask for, but it was a change that happened.  Now 10 years later I still at times have to choose not to spend too much time in the what could have been place.  I have learned that I must choose to look at the life around me and embrace it.  To make the best of what life has offered.  To focus on the moments, we live in right now.   


I encourage you today if you happen to be in a place where you find yourself sad, you find yourself missing a part of your life that is over to take courage.  To find hope in the God who will walk us through change.  


My own experience in this is that it is a daily choice to choose Joy! Keep on the lookout for the CHANGE that is heading your way!  For me, it might be some new neighbors that I hopefully can add to my friend list that I love!  For you it might be a new job, a new love, a new pet…….who knows.  We only know that life is a constant change and the God is bigger than any change we face and that he promises us in Deuteronomy 13:6 That he will never leave us or forsake us in our time of need! 


Hope this blesses you a little (or a lot)!!




Choose your hard


For the Girl (or Guy) who is always Sitting on the Outside of the Room