Our job is to LOVE big !

I am so glad that God looks at my heart and not my failures.  I am so glad that it is my heart and my love for God that matters.   That God sees the deep parts of me.  On the surface sometimes, I can come across so wrong or make so many mistakes, but I am so thankful that God sees my heart.  God does not judge me on mistakes but on how quick I am to get my heart right with Him. 

The fact that all God wants from me is for me to love Him, to love myself, and to love others is so freeing.  That it is my job to Love and its Gods job to change people and to change me.   I no longer look for people who need God or who need to be changed- I just look for people who need to feel loved.  Then all I have to do is love them.  It is that simple.  Maybe love them with a smile, with a hug, or with a kind word.  Maybe I get to meet a need for them – maybe financial, maybe a gift, maybe a home cooked meal, maybe taking the time to pray for a need they have.  If we start looking for the opportunity to love others, God will definitely provide them. 

 I find that I run into hurting people in public restrooms, at the gas station, at Walgreens, while on a walk in the park, really anywhere.  I have just started sharing this love of God that burns inside of me.  This love that does not judge sin, or lifestyles, or habits – I don’t meet someone and immediately try to figure out how to fix them.  I just love them with the Love of my father and I leave any fixing that needs to be done up to Him.  

God is so good to me, He is so patient and forgives me so often.  I am so thankful that I know of His great Love for me.  I believe that really if I can just help others learn of that great love for them as well.  If we just represent our Jesus with Love, then just maybe the hurting will reach out and receive that Love.  They will get to know their creator – the one who has a great plan for their life. 


John 4:37 states that “One person sows and another reaps for which you have not worked”.  That is how it is with leading others to a relationship with Christ.  My job is to sow the Love of God with everyone I come in contact with, to point them to accepting the love of the Father.  Its Gods job to fix or to change them if that is needed, it’s just our job to love. 


We live in a world where there is plenty of pain and hard times abounding.  Let’s let our lights shine by sharing the Love of Jesus everywhere we go.  By looking up and looking around for the less fortunate – those who just need a smile and someone to care.   Let’s be the people who cause others to smile and to maybe just maybe to want some of the Jesus we love. 

I love you all


Learn to love You !!


Lets Be Real