Learn to love You !!

Today I took my daughter to her end of the year party at a local park. Sounds fun doesn’t it - well for my daughter and I it is a little out of our comfort zone. We are not the naturally outgoing kind of girls - Not to say that we don’t want to be friendly - it just doesn’t come as easy for us as it does for others.

As I was there I heard God speak to me so clearly - He said a few things to me.

One was about myself - I went on a walk on the walking trail because i was not sure who to talk to. On my walk I met Larry a retired man who is lonely and kinda lost with his life right now. I was able to encourage him that he has great days ahead of him and that God loves him. As I was walking away from him I heard my sweet heavenly father say “You were created for the Larry’s of the World, that I gave you the exact personality to reach the group of people I created you to reach”.

Needless to say that gave me boost I needed to just be myself and to smile because God made me with my personality.

Second thing I learned was watching the friendly kick ball game between the boys and the girls.

On the teams I saw the following:

I saw the compassionate girls that would not get out the little guys even if was an easy out. They did not care they were loosing - they just could not call them out.

I saw the competitive players that did not care if they were 15 and they just tagged out a 6 year old. They were out to win.

I saw the kids on the sideline. Maybe they were like me and a little afraid to join the crowd. Maybe they thought they were not good enough and did not want to get embarrassed.

I saw the kids on the side who were dressed up for the day at the park and they could not get dirty. Fashion is always important after all.

I saw some of the better players mentoring the younger players. The third baseman was showing the little guy how to get home even though that meant they would score against them.

Watching that group of kids - God spoke to me and said “see all those personalities, they are my future leaders, future moms and dads, future pastors, future business owners, future caregivers, future politicians. They are all out there”. God made each of us different with different strengths and giftings. We are not the same and that is ok.

So today take time to Love yourself - to embrace who God made you to be. Even if you (like me) might feel on the outside a lot - know that God created you with the gifts to reach specific people for Him. Stop comparing your self to others and wishing you were different (I have wasted to many years doing that). You and I are really cool to God and he created all of us the way we are on purpose !!



p.s. You are really cool to me also


How to Flourish in the life we have been given? 


Our job is to LOVE big !