Life is Short - Like Water spilled on the ground !!

This week I have been thinking on how short our life really is – How that I have often said the days are long, but the years are short.  I remember seasons of my life where I thought it would never end – when my babies were young, and I wondered if I ever would get my life back. 


Now as a wiser (let’s not say older) woman I realize each season of our lives have reason behind them.  We are in those seasons to impact the people we come in contact with.  Maybe those people are your children, your co-workers, your friends, your family, or your day to day acquaintances. 


I was reading in 2 Samuel 4 and verse 14 really jumped out at me: “All of us must die eventually. Our lives are like water spilled out on the ground, which cannot be gathered up again.”


I have thought about that for a couple of days – it’s like every action is like water spilled out on the ground- it can’t be gathered back up.  Once it is done – it’s done.   That can be good or bad actions.


I will be honest about this week – there have been some really awesome moments where I feel like I have done the right thing – encouraging people and loving them……..But Monday night when I lost my temper at home and yelled at my son – that is like water spilled out – I can’t get it back. I can apologize and try to make it better – but it is still water spilled out. 


I challenge you – and I challenge myself to start living every day realizing it is time you can’t get back.  What do you want to leave with others today?  What do you want to be remembered for? What do you want your legacy to be? What do you want your life to represent?


Start living today like there are people all around you depending on you.  Maybe it is as simple as a smile when you go to the bank, or the grocery line.  Maybe it is a kind word to the lady at work who seems down.  Maybe is a hug to a stranger who just lost his mom.  I promise that is you start looking for others to help they are all around you.  


Start living realizing your life is like Water Spilled out on the ground.  No matter how hard you try you can not get it back.  It’s out there.  So, use your water to grow people around you – to lead them to Jesus and His great love.  Don’t use it to destroy or tear down! 





Immeasurably More Than We Can Ask For !!


Living In "SonShine"