Immeasurably More Than We Can Ask For !!

Ephesians 3:20-21

20 Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, 21 to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen.


This keeps coming up in my spirit this week – that is when I take time to listen.  Every moment of this week is schedule – from work – to personal (a new puppy) – to ministry time.  Times like this I often put time with God at the bottom of my list.  I don’t do that on purpose.  I know that time with God actually gives me strength and joy and energy.  I just see the stack of to do items and just go for it.  I love getting to mark things off my list as done. 


But today – This Friday morning let’s look at the above scripture. 

·      First thing is that this scripture is written for those who believe in Jesus.  Believing is a free gift for you to take, you just have to ask. 

·      Secondly – what things do we ask for or imagine.  Sometimes I can imagine really big things and sometimes I just ask for my bills to be paid.  Well this scripture says that God can do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine. 

o   Definition of immeasurably: incapable of being measured

o   Some synonyms of Immeasurable - Bottomless, boundless, limitless, endless, horizonless

·      Thirdly – No matter where you find yourself.  This scripture is for you. 



I met with a girl this week that seems to be in a hopeless situation.  And truthfully if she only relied on herself it seems a little hopeless.  BUT God has spoken so real to me that this scripture is for her.  I told her to write out her wants and needs.  They are really basic human needs that she has.  Write out those needs and give them to God.  This is not magic – you might have to take some actions with it – but God promised it and His word is real.  It is us (for sure me) that puts limits on our Father.  


I remember a time not too long ago after my husband Darrell passed away unexpectedly in a car crash that I was close to being in her position.  I had to write out my needs and wants and give them to God to take care of.  It was out of my ability.  Looking back now over that 8 years – I see how time after time God has taken care of me and my children.   He has taken care us better than I ever imagined.  


Please trust God and His word.  God is so good.  He is not up in heaven just to put laws on us.  God is in heaven reaching down to give us a hand and help us along the way.  God loves us so much and he wants to be invited into our wants and needs.  God cares about what we care about.  God has such great things waiting for each of us. 


This scripture is for everyone - no matter what you wants are.  If they are basic needs for food and shelter that you have or if your wants are for something bigger and better.  God’s promise is for you. 


I don’t mean to sound wrong – but today take a chance and genuinely give God your needs and your wants.  Watch God move on your behalf.  God can take the place you are in and turn it into a miracle for you to share with other.



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