How a Sinkful of Dirty Dishes Made Me Smile

This is written about my younger self – the younger Jacque that had 3 young kids running around and felt like all I did was pick up after them.  I remember many meltdowns that I had running thru the house cleaning it up.  Making sure to let everyone around me know how I did everything around this house!  I would get so aggravated with my husband – asking how can you just sit and watch a movie with the kids while the house is so messy?  They would try to get me to sit with them but most of the time I would just fume and clean around them – making sure they knew what I was doing.   If I am honest I have to admit that there were times I ruined the night for everyone because of my personal pity party. 

Well yesterday (as an older and wiser woman) I woke up to a sinkful of dirty dishes.  There was a pot on the stove where we made homemade popcorn, there were dishes from dinner in the sink, there were even a few dishes left on the table that we did not even get to the sink.  There were clothes in the dryer and even more that needed to be washed.  I laughed at myself how I have changed so much.  Instead of cleaning on Friday night I watched a movie with my family – we had popcorn with M&M’s in it – I just relaxed enjoying my home.  

As I cleaned my kitchen that morning, I put on some praise and worship music and spent time thanking God for my blessings.  I was all finished in about 30 minutes and the entire time I just thanked God for showing me what is important in life. 

If you know my story, then you know that I lost a husband of 20 years in a tragic car accident 8 years ago.  When something like that happens to you – you quickly reevaluate what is important in life.  I can’t go back and change how I behaved then, but I can change my present behavior and my future. I can use what I learned in loving my grown children and with the amazing family God has blessed me with now.  I can take advantage of any family night opportunity that I get.  I am thankful for a husband that loves family dinner and that he makes it happen on a regular basis.

So, if I can encourage you today to enjoy the days you live in.  Take time to laugh, love and rest.  Those dirty dishes will still be there for you tomorrow (at least at my house that is true).  The moments that God gives you with your family and friends are priceless.  

As it says in Ecclesiastes 3 – there is a time for everything.  So make sure to take time to love your family and to enjoy the small moments in your life.  When you look back those small moments are everything.  There will always be time for a clean kitchen and perfectly decorated home.  But for now if you find yourself in the middle of chaos enjoy it.  As I often say the days can seem long but the years are short.  




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