NEVERTHELESS - what does that mean?

I just finished reading First Kings in the old testament and a continual pattern kept showing up. A pattern that I do not want in my life. First Kings starts out with with a nation united under King David who loved God but it ends as a divided kingdom under the most wicked of kings.

It seems like the Kings would trust God and things would go great for a while - but then they would let sin creep in and things would go bad.

1 Kings chapter 10 verse 24 talks abut King Solomon and how he had everything from God. He had great, unimaginable wealth, fame and wisdom. People came from every nation came to consult him and they would all bring gifts. You could say that King Solomon had it all…………but just 7 verses later the word NEVERTHELESS came into play. King Solomon ignored Gods warning of marrying women who worship idols. Solomon wanted to do what felt good at the moment. Solomons lust for the world and his disobedience changed his family’s destiny. His willingness to ignore Gods warning brought a curse onto not just himself but his family.

I take this as a warning in my own life today. To not allow occasional wrongdoing to become a way of life. If I am not careful then I can let sin creep in as being ok. We have to acknowledge God as our ultimate leader.

We all like to quote the verses found in Matthew 6 letting us know that God knows about everything that we need and that he will provide that for us.- but make sure not to forget the part in verse 33 - “Seek Ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and then all these things shall be added unto you”.

All God really ask of us is to love him more than anything else. To seek him first in all decisions we make (that really is so easy to do - just make sure what you are doing lines up with good), to love others, to be generous, to do our very best to do what is right.

I am so far from perfect - but even in my imperfection I see a father who loves me and who favors me. Who often times allows me to do things or be places that I alone do not deserve. I believe God looks at our hearts and loves it when we just do our best to Love him. God is not looking for perfection, he is just looking for a son or daughter to love Him with there whole heart.

I am going to be practicing that in my life - to Seek God first in all that I do. I ask you to do the same and just watch what God will do for you.




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