What Matters at Christmas!!

There is so much going on in my mind tonight…… so many things that have led up to this Christmas eve and Christmas day.  I wanted to take a moment and just remind you – whoever is reading this to enjoy the moments as they come.  


I think back over the past 24 Christmases that I have had – 24 years ago was the 1st year that I was a mom on Christmas.  Granted it was a new title – I had only been a mom for a week to the most beautiful little girl I had ever seen. 


Then over the years I have added two amazing boys – Lost a best friend and added a new family to be part of the holidays. 


As I can stress over the things that I have not done that I wanted too – maybe I have not got that perfect gift, the gingerbread houses did not get made this year, of course the house is not as clean as I would like and the list can go on and on. 


But instead of stressing of what is not done.  I am thinking on the memories that are about to be made.  That in 24 hours we will all be wearing the matching pajamas that I buy every year.  That I will have all 6 (I did get a bonus son this year) of my children under the same roof for a night.  We will eat amazing food, laugh, share gifts, and take time to enjoy each other. 


For any young parents reading this remember that 18 years go so fast – they won’t remember the gifts that you get them.  They will remember the love – the breakfast casserole that you make every year, the lights on the house, whatever your tradition is.  Don’t waste a year stressing over what is not perfect, instead just love those around you will all your heart. 


I also want to talk to the person who is grieving this Christmas.  You might be grieving from losing someone.  Maybe your life is not what you planned, and you find yourself alone this Christmas.  Maybe the joy you see all around just causes sadness for you.  I am sorry about that and I pray that JESUS the real reason for the season provides you with his peace that passes all understanding.   


As I am dwelling on all of this tonight my heart feels so many emotions.  I might not have the excitement of having a toddler this Christmas and it takes a lot of effort to get my crew together, but I am going to enjoy every moment that I have.  I am going to embrace the fact that my now married daughter and her husband are waking up with me on Christmas morning – that my grown boys are all going to be around the breakfast table with me and that my precious new 13 year old step daughter still delights in the gifts, the lights and still will pretend that Santa filled the stockings. 


I encourage you to take time to enjoy the wonder of the season.  To let the love of Jesus fill your heart.  To sit back and look around and to smile. 

Merry Christmas




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