2020 - Bring it on!!


I guess I will join the groups of people writing out our thoughts for this upcoming year – the upcoming decade I guess.  


I find myself in uncharted territory this year.  What will this year bring?  What new challenges will I take on this year.  Facing new things can make us question who we are.  We can question our purpose and the Why of our days. Maybe even question am I important in this thing called life.


For those that don’t feel important (myself at times) how do we change that?  Is it something on the inside of us that has to shift?  Is it us realizing how much we are loved by God? Is it us spending time doing something that is important to us?  Well I think for me it is a little of all of those things. 


I really just want to focus on the day by day of 2020.  I want this year to be a year where I put others first.  That I stop focusing on what I want – but I focus on what others need.  What the people around me need.  The people in all the houses and cars that I see every day need, the people at the stores and restaurants that I go to need, what my family and friends need, what the homeless out on the street need, what the wealthy and poor need.   They all have the same need (just like me and you), the need to feel loved and accepted.  They all have the need to know that they have worth and value.  That they would be missed if they were gone.  That they are not just surviving but they are important. 


I am taking on this year looking around with my eyes open.  Asking God to show me what things He has for me to be a part of the solution for this year?  How can I help make this place (my sphere of influence) a better place?  What gifts do I have inside of me that can help others in need?


I believe that is where true joy is found.  True Joy is found in helping and serving others.  It is not found in the next greatest purchase or trend – it is found in giving of ourselves even when it would be easier not to.  I find that seeing an unexpected smile, a tear of gratefulness, getting a hug from someone, or even watching from a distance as someone feels the Love of Jesus due to an action I did is where my True Joy comes from. 


This is something that I am going to remind myself of everyday.  That giving is really the best way of receiving.  That giving to others really gives me so much more.  It gives me the things that money cannot buy.  Things like peace, joy, purpose, fulfillment and victory.   I challenge you to do the same this year.  Live life looking outward. 


Lets do this!!




How to keep joy and peace during the hard times of life!


What Matters at Christmas!!