How to keep joy and peace during the hard times of life!

This blog really might be to help myself as much as to help others.   I am sitting outside on my porch in the sunshine watching my dog play with a toy and listening to the birds’ chirp.  I almost just got stung by a wasp and the honeybees are flying everywhere.  It is like the earth is just screaming to me that everything is as it should be.  That there is no need to worry or do anything different than any other spring.  Just be who God has created us to be.  

We are in some uncertain times as a nation, as a community and as families.  All I can do is share my struggles with you. 

 My year 2020 so far:

January started great with a really fun anniversary trip to California where I was able to see San Francisco, Napa Valley and visit Bethel Church.  I was able to see the golden gate bridge, taste some amazing food, hike the beautiful pacific coast, worship at Bethel church and spend a great weekend with Tim. 

Then February came and brought the early painful passing of a good friend.   Words can’t describe the feelings of the loss of such a beautiful person in my life.

 The end of February brought the passing of my dad.  Nothing really prepares you for the final goodbye of someone who you love so much.  The loss of my confidant, my encourager and prayer warrior does leave a big hole in my heart.  

March comes along and Sammie, my puppy of 15 years passes away.   Sammie saw me through many nights of tears.  Sammie was a constant every day loving me and always happy to see me. 

March has also been the month that I was unfairly laid off from my job that I have had the past six and half years.  The job that I gave so much of my heart and energy to.  The job that I love and that I am good at.  Running Lighthouse Knoxville really was a big part of my life and is part of who I am.  

Saying the above things is not for a pity party (although believe me I have had a couple this year- heck this week), but instead it is for saying it is Springtime and just like the flowers that are blooming and the birds that are making their nests preparing for little eggs to be laid.  Just like the grass is growing and the rivers are flowing we are moving forward.   I cannot allow myself to get caught up in the bad or the scary of life.  I can allow myself to grieve and to feel sadness, I can cry and remember the past, I just cannot let it stop me.  I cannot let it control me.  I cannot let it cause me to take my eyes off of my good good father. 

 If you have read this far – thank you.  I wanted to share with you what I have done and the steps I am taking to combat this fears and sadness.

1.     Thank God – Thank him for everything good in your life.  Thank him for friends that you have gotten to love, thank him for family, thank him for provision, thank him for health, thank him for everything.   All good gifts come from God.  

2.     Combat all fear with the word of God.  The bible is a love letter written to us from the creator of the universe.  All the words written are promises for us to live by.  Get in there and read read read.   Write them down, create a system that works for you where you can go back and find them easily.  

3.     Be practical.  For Tim and I with losing our jobs that means look at our finances.  Make a plan, write it out.  Give God something to work with.  Even if it looks scary in the natural (and it does) – go back to number two on this list and look for some promises in the bible to combat fear.   I am not one that believes in doing nothing – make some calls and do what you know to do but, in the end, allow God to fight this battle for you.  If one door closes God promises to open an even more amazing door. 

4.     Sow a seed.  That can be financial, or it can be acts of kindness.   The Lord sees the generous act that we do.  We are promised that if we love others and if we sow love we will be protected and find shelter in the almighty.  DO NOT STOP DOING GOOD.

5.     Focus on good things. For me some examples are:

  •    I have gotten to play more cards with my family this month than in a long time (and I love cards).

  •   We have had some awesome worship times just sitting in our own living room. 

  •   The peace that passes all understanding has enveloped me

  • New friendships have been made

  • New songs have been written

  • The good in people is coming out everywhere.  We all are rallying around each other. 

  • Sunny days

6.     Wait on God – trust him.  It is that simple.  He will do what his word says he will do. 

7.     Spend time with God.  We put on worship music and just sit in the presence of God.   Just talk to him like a friend.   Let him love you back.  

8.     Don’t panic – just like it says in Isaiah 41:13 – I your God have a firm grip on you, and I am not letting go.  I am telling you don’t panic. I am right here to help you.  

I hope this helps and encourages you.  I know we all have our own stories, fears and issues that can be added to the above list.  I know this can be scary times. I am not saying they are not real fears and not to take account of our situations.  I just know that the Lord is the same Yesterday, Today and Forever.  His promises never change.   I believe we are all going to come thru this season stronger, more alive, full of compassion and in an even better place.  

I am here to help you if you need it. 




The Love of a Puppy!


2020 - Bring it on!!