For the Girl (or Guy) who is always Sitting on the Outside of the Room
That girl is me… I look back on my life I see where I always was on the outside of a room. I never joined in fully, I never truly felt apart, I always felt like an outsider, I always hold a part of me back. I am not sure where that came from but I am sure that it is not how God sees me. I believe that is how I see myself - due to things I have been told or due to self-comparison to others. That is really the devil’s plan I believe to make it where we don’t fully reach our potential because we don’t see ourselves as the amazing creation that we are.
When I was younger and I often felt ignored by people I wanted to see me, I felt like I never quite measured up in my jobs, I never was pretty enough, thin enough, I felt like I was not funny enough. I always wanted to be more. I was always a little envious of the girls who had what I wanted. As I type this I actually feel anxiety at just remembering the feeling of being an outsider.
As I have aged (that is hard for me to even say- since I still feel so young) I am learning that I have a lot to offer this world. That I don’t have to feel less than anyone else. That I need to find who I am, find what I am passionate about, find what I love, find what I am good at, and go for it. I believe that all the passions, talents, and gifting that are inside us are put there by God. He put them there for a reason. We are created and born for this season, God knew the people we would have influence over. God knew the time we would be alive. God put things inside of each of us at creation that would be needed to reach the world around us.
It can be your neighbors - For example, I have slowed down and gotten to know my neighbors during this pandemic. I don’t find it a coincidence that there are a couple of widows that live near me, a young mom of three who might need encouragement, a family who lost their son, and is in grief beyond words. Isn’t it amazing that my life experiences can maybe help them? I can at least love them, maybe make them a meal and pray for them.
It can be your coworkers, the cashier at the grocery store, your dentist's office, the people you go to church with, your children, or your family. Just look for opportunities.
If you're like me face the challenge of not being enough (in my head at least). I encourage you to slow down, take account of what you love, what things move you, what are you good at. What injustices make you cry or make you angry? I love how God has made us all different and in our differences, we can change the world for good. I encourage you to not try and be something that you are not but instead look for ways to help the world around you by doing what you love. Live outside the box, there is no mold for your life. Your life is unique just as you are.
Spend time around people who encourage you, listen to things that lift you, and most importantly spend time with God.
I encourage you to make a point to spend some time every day with God. He is waiting for you and He loves you BIG! God definitely thinks you are more than enough - you are his creation! It’s not rules and regulations, it doesn’t have to be in the morning or evening. Just find time to be with Him. When you are with Him, ask Him to show you your talents and gifts. Ask him for wisdom and purpose.
Lastly I want you to stop the comparison game. There is only one of you - no one else on earth is just like you. Find what brings you joy and be you! You are exactly what your world needs!